Should You Caulk Storm Windows? (3 Reasons Why You Should…..)

Storm windows are a great asset for your house since they withstand storms and help protect your room from the intrusion of moisture, wind and other foreign matter.

They are designed to combat the effects of storms and conditions of winter.

So, Should Storm Windows Be Caulked?

Storm windows should be caulked to seal them from the effects of the wind and water penetration during the storm. It also makes them more efficient. Whether you hire someone to do the installation of storm windows for you or you are doing it personally, caulking storm windows is an important step.

Why Caulk Storm Windows?

There are many benefits of caulking storm windows.

1. Caulking helps you save on power bills.

Your manufactured home will use energy sparingly and efficiently.

Caulking blocks entry of air around the caulked frames thus preserving energy in your rooms.

This is way too important in reducing your monthly electricity bills. Most people overlook this but it matters a great deal in conserving energy.

2. Guaranteed durability of your windows.

Caulking is an important home improvement project since it enables your storm windows to remain in use for a long time.

They are used to seal cracks.

This is an important aspect in keeping them strong and durable.

3. Caulking prevents entry of moisture to the room in the event of a storm.

Caulking bars water and other elements from penetrating the room and potentially causing the growth of moulds.

Moisture makes the room unhealthy.

Caulking will walk you out of these preventable problems at home.

Things to Consider When Caulking Storm Windows

Well, just like preparing for any other project in designing your manufactured home, caulking calls for an appropriate preparedness. Here are things to consider.

1. Funds available.

This is a prime factor to put into consideration.

The amount of funds at your disposal is very important in determining how much work you’ll do.

Do relevant research on what you need to buy before you embark on caulking. You’ll save a lot and have a job well done.

2. Materials your caulk is made from.

Caulk materials are available in a wide range. As such, you need to pick the best quality.

Wood, vinyl and aluminum are some common materials used to make caulk for frame windows, just to mention a few.

3. Caulk Color

You need to find the perfect material for your caulking purpose. On material, it is equally important to determine the best colour for your caulk.

Colour choice is a critical factor since you’ll have to maintain a matching blend in your home and avoid unnecessary clashes.

What Are the Best Materials for Caulking Storm Windows?

1. Silicone

Silicone is a long-lasting material. It is highly durable, waterproof, and flexible and does not shrink. It can last for more than 20 years.

Silicone caulk can be obtained from the nearest hardware store.

One downside of this caulk material, however, is that it may exude a strong odor when it dries up. Also, silicone caulk cannot be painted.

2. Polyurethane caulk.

It is highly durable with a lifespan of up to 20 years as well.

Polyurethane caulk can be painted which makes it outsmart silicone in case you’ll be doing painting on it after installation.

Besides, polyurethane adheres pretty well to surfaces.

This ensures a firm grip and consequent better benefits of caulked storm windows. The downside of this material is that it expands as it dries.

Polyurethane spray foams are for heavy-duty tasks and it is recommended for use on exterior caulking.

3. Butyl rubber/oil/resin-based caulk.

These are cheap caulking materials. They are generally flexible and do not adhere strongly on surfaces for a long time. In a nutshell, these cheap caulking materials are less durable and less effective.

How to Caulk Storm Windows from The Inside – 6 Steps

Here are six easy steps to caulk storm windows from the inside

  1. Seal up around the cracked spots at the edges of the storm window
  2. At the tip, put a small hole
  3. Proceed to apply a bead of caulk appropriately
  4. Any excess caulk is wiped off. Your finger is the best tool here
  5. Seal around the whole
  6. Any remaining hole is sealed up.

Should I Caulk My Storm Windows Before Painting Or After Painting?

This is an important question especially as it concerns the entire outlook and appeal of your manufactured home.

Well, some caulks have colors meaning you may not be prompted to pain them.

The question of colors is also dependent on the nature of the material you used in caulking your windows.

For instance, silicone caulk material does not adhere to paints and thus cannot be painted. Others like polyurethane, however, can be painted with any color.

Classically, it is a prudent idea to caulk first before painting. This will ensure a cool blend of colors when you will be doing the overall painting of your house.

Can You Seal Storm Window with Caulking?

For storm windows, it is recommended not to caulk the bottom part. This is a measure to allow condensation during winter to drain out. It also allows moisture that accumulates during winter to drain out.

Otherwise, sealing the tops and sides of storm windows is a great measure of ensuring that moisture and wind intrusion is kept at bay.

Are Storm Windows Worth Installing?

Definitely. Storm windows are great assets in combating the effects of storms and strong winds such as the intrusion of moisture, particles and winds. They also help in protecting your home and keeping it warm.

Which Parts Should NOT Be Caulked On Storm Windows?

It is recommended to caulk the tops and sides of storm windows BUT NOT THE BOTTOM.

The reason being, during the storms and winter, water that accumulates on them has to be allowed to drain out.

If you seal these bottom parts, condensation will occur leading to pilling up of water inside your windows.

This may allow mold to grow on the window and make the room generally unhealthy.

Which Is The Best Caulk On Glass Storm Windows?

Polyurethane caulk material works on the glass as well. Silicone does a great too since the two easily adheres to the glass.

Four Common Window Caulking Mistakes

If done well, window caulking is a simple job with a big pay-off.

If done well, window caulking is an ideal way of protecting your home from the effects of the storm such as penetration of water, particles and other dirt.

Well, before you embark on caulking your storm windows, here is a comprehensive list of mistakes you can easily avoid and do a great job:

1. Wrong choice of caulk.

When it comes to caulking, you get exactly what you pay for.

Choose a highly durable caulk material. Silicone and polyurethane are great ones.

2. Leaving old caulk on storm windows.

It is important to note that old caulk hardens and breaks off from the surface.

This is a risk since it begins to allow the intrusion of moisture and large accumulation beneath it.

So make sure you remove all the old caulk sufficiently before putting the fresh ones. Use a sharp tool such as a knife to remove all the old caulk.

If the old caulk proves too hard to remove, applying a caulk remover gel remains the choice.

Such gels usually take between 2-4 hours to completely loosen the hard caulk. Then clean the surface thoroughly and wait till it gets dry. Afterwards, you can proceed to apply the new caulk.

2. Using the wrong applicators.

Most people often misuse cartridge of caulk.

You are not supposed to use it to apply caulk on your storm windows.

Get a good caulking gun from the nearest hardware and ensure a nice job. It dispenses the caulk on your window thoroughly and effectively.

Additionally, when acquiring one, make sure it has a comfortable grip. Some cheap caulking guns are also available. These include a ratcheting plunger.

The problem with them is the uneven distribution of caulk on your window. This ends you up in a messy job.

All you have to do is to cut its nozzle to the desired size.

Then proceed to pierce the seal inside it and insert a caulking gun. Any cracks are sealed with caulk.

Carefully use consistent pressure while maintaining the gun at a 45-degree elevation.

3. Too much application of caulk.

You don’t have to apply too much of caulk on your storm window.

For instance, if you are caulking a 1.5-inch crack, you don’t have to flood the spot with caulk.

Instead, use a backer rod to fill it appropriately. Otherwise, you may end up wasting a lot of caulk and ending up in messy work. Just do it smartly.

4. Failing to tool the spot.

Tooling is equally important in ensuring that the caulk is smooth on the spot of application.

This is way too important in ensuring that the site of the application looks neat, tidy and appealing.

This can be done with ease using your hands. You simply have to run your finger on the point of application to make sure the caulk fills the gap.

Final Words

Caulking storm windows appropriately is way too important in not only preserving energy in your rooms during storms and winter.

This also ensures that no foreign matter like water, wind and other particles intrude your rooms.

How to caulk them is important in ensuring optimum results.