How Do You Stop Manufactured Home Windows from Leaking?

Leaking windows can be a nightmare.

Not only do they allow water to seep into the home unabated, but also make it a bit difficult to keep the home warm during the winter.

If not stopped on time, you might find yourself trying to clear the mold replace the damaged windows at the same time in the future.

So, How Do You Stop Manufactured Home Windows From Leaking?

Of course, complete replacement of the window is the most obvious solution if the situation is so bad, but there are numerous other remedies for less serious situations. Understanding the type of leak and the extent of the situation can help you figure out the right remedy.

Leaks occurring above the window (sometimes on the sides) are a sign of cracks or holes leading to the roof, permitting water to flow from the roof (sometimes down along the studs) to the window below.

This is hard to diagnose owing to the height of the wall above the window and the fact that the cracks may be too thin to spot or may be entrenched deep into the wall.

If your home is considerably old, extensive overhead leaks that extend down on your window can be a hint that the home has seen better days and you should be thinking of a replacement.

It doesn’t mean old homes are irreparable, only expensive.

Also, just because a wall looks clean and flawless doesn’t mean everything is right – there may be rotting areas, mold, or points of weaknesses somewhere.

Leaks occurring in the area where the sash of the window intersects with the jamb or frame may mean the issue is within the window itself.

Most of the problems that cause leaks on old windows are products of natural wear and tear:

  • Failed sealing
  • worn-out weather-stripping
  • severally clogged drainage channel that force water back into the home
  • sash that has fallen out of position.

Five Ways to Stop Manufactured Home Windows from Leaking

As mentioned earlier, your approach will depend on an array of factors including the cause, extend of the problem, and the affected part.

Here are the top causes of window leaks and how to stop them:

1. Moisture Seeping in The Periphery of the Window

If you spot signs of leaks on the sides of the window – bottom and sides – then chances are high the caulk or seal is starting to fail.

Caulk or sealant deterioration and eventual cracking can be part of the natural aging process or inappropriate installation.

The best fix for this leak is caulk/seal replacement. Start by peeling out the disintegrating layer, smoothen the surface, apply a fresh layer of caulking/sealant, then let it dry away from direct sun.

2. Leaks from the bottom of the window

Leaks from the ground are rare but likely if your home is sitting on constantly damp ground.

It is characterized by a patch of moisture between the ground and the frame of the window but may not be easily observable in the initial stages.

Not all leaks occurring at the bottom of the window originates from the ground, some may start within the window itself.

For instance, if your windows came with vinyl or metallic frames, you may have noticed some tiny drain perforations close to the frame’s edge.

The job of these holes is to drain water that may collect on the frame.

If they end up clogged, much of the water that runs down the glass during rainfall will collect at the lower part of the frame and create a damp environment that may foster rusting and rotting.

There’s another rarely mentioned cause of bottom leaks: a faulty sill pan.

It is near standard for windows to be equipped with sill pans that permit excess water to drain to the exterior.

Sill pans should be installed to slope slightly (away from your window) so that excess water can easily run off with gravity.

How do you correct all these?

Water encroachment from the ground to windows can be prevented by relocating your mobile home to a drier location.

If you establish that the drain holes in your window frames are clogged, remove the debris immediately and start to subject your windows to regular maintenance.

If your sill pans aren’t right, hire a window repair professional to adjust the slope and make changes as seen appropriate.

3. Water Escaping Between a Double-Paned Window’s Panes

As the home ages, the glass seal between the window panes begins to weaken until they can’t hold water back anymore.

The seal normally contains a trapped gas which, of course, escapes and leaves a void when the seal losses its integrity.

Once the seal fails, even the night dew may find way past the panes and end up where it isn’t supposed to be.

There’s no easy trick around this problem other than replacing the leaking windows with new and better ones.

4. Leaks Occurring at The Top or Close to The Top of the Window

As mentioned above, moisture accumulation at the top of the window is an indicator of a possible crack or hole linking the window area to the roof.

But it can be a result of a few other things as well, like earlier installation mistakes.

For instance, the flashing could be nonexistent or wrongly installed. A faulty house wrap is more likely to allow water to spread all over the place.

This type of leak is a bit difficult to diagnose and correct.

You can take some time to inspect the flashing tapes, house wrap, and other installations in the region.

The house wrap is tasked with holding back the moisture that may seep down the siding, so it must work flawlessly, or else you’ll end up with water on the frames.

5. Condensation That Accumulates in The Window

This is a unique type of “leak.”

See, condensation doesn’t qualify as a leak or a sign of it.

Rather, it’s an indication of very little or no insulation on windows. It can also mean the interior of your home has a lot of damp air that needs to be let out.

Condensation-related “leaks” are rare and are perhaps the easiest to avoid. Just run your air conditioner unit or install a dehumidifier and the problem will be gone in a matter of hours.

You Can Avoid All the Above by Taking Good Care of Your Windows

The exact way you’d take your car out of checkup and change of oil, you will be surprised with how easy it is to keep your windows leak-free with regular inspection and maintenance.

It can help you identify an issue early and rectify it before things get too bad.

Never attempt to make a repair, replacement, or make changes to the windows without sufficient DIY skills for the job – let professionals handle everything.


So how do you stop manufactured home windows from leaking? It depends on the type of leak and even the extend of the situation.

Worse situations will certainly demand complete window replacement.
