Manufactured home communities may not be spacious enough to accommodate the largest trampolines owned by everyone.
Even if you own the land on which your manufactured home is installed, you still need to be a little economical with space by going for a trampoline that delivers the best experience without eating a big chunk of the available space.
In today’s crowded market of trampolines, you can be certain to land a product that meets your spacing needs and every other specification you have in mind.
This guide will lead you through the shopping experience.
Related: What Are The 17 Benefits of Trampoline Exercise?
Three Space Saving Manufactured Home Trampoline Shopping Factors
- Basic Features
- Size
- Cost
1. Basic Features
There are a few must have features that every trampoline needs to possess regardless of brand or size.
Ensure that the product of your choice comes with these features:
Sturdy base
A sturdy base is non-negotiable – a trampoline either has a form and sturdy base or a flimsy and unstable one.
The latter, as you can guess, would endanger the safety of your children.
The last thing the buyer wants to see happening while jumping is a trampoline tipping over.
For that reason, go for a product with a well-weighted base or one that can be easily secured to the floor or ground.
If the product of your likings doesn’t come with this essential feature, bear in mind that you will incur extra costs trying to purchase anchors
Fun extras
What extra fun features do the trampoline support?
Maximize the fun you will have with the trampoline by finding one with extra features that fit your needs.
You can go for a family trampoline equipped with a basketball hoop.
Small children would contend with a trampoline equipped with a handle to give extra balance.
It is up to what your family enjoys most.
A good trampoline must be made to withstand all sorts of weather conditions, especially if you intend to leave it outdoors most of the time.
There are several metal parts on any typical trampoline, all of which are prone to corroding and rusting with time from extended exposure to snow and rain.
Products that come with rust-proof springs and frames will last considerably longer compared to those with not layer of protection.
2. Size

Consider size in two areas – the size of the garden where the trampoline will be installed and the size of the trampoline itself (in relation to the age of the user).
What Size Is the Garden You’re Going to Be Putting the Trampoline in?
The first thing to do is to find out the size of the trampoline your garden or indoor space can support.
The best way to go about it is to measure the space.
You won’t believe just how many buyers go off and buy a new trampoline without thinking, picking up, say, a 12 ft. product and trying to force it into a tiny garden not realizing how big it is going to be.
It doesn’t make sense to measure the size of the spot if you haven’t made your mind about the size of the trampoline you need.
Therefore, determine the size of the product you want before making any measurements in your space.
Measure the diameter of the garden as follows:
- Grab your measuring tape – proceed to measure the length of a string the same length as the diameter of your trampoline (you plan to buy)
- Tie the measuring string around a pencil, tightly. Take a drawing pin and use it to secure the pencil and stop it from sliding from the top
- Take your handmade trampoline measuring equipment with you in the garden
- Locate the area perfect for a trampoline installation garden, ensure no concrete or stones are present and it is a clear area surface with some soft grass
- Take your pencil and place it in the middle – be precise enough to reduce the error
- Pull the string wide and taut and proceed to mark out the spot by walking around it with the string
- Determine if there is enough space around the spot. If so, then perfect! Your new trampoline will certainly fit in the garden
What’s the Number and Age of Children Is the Trampoline Intended for?

The first question should be about the number of users and their exact ages.
Not just any child can hop on a trampoline of any size and have a nice time without the risk of snapping and injuries.
The more the number of kids the larger the weight hence the bigger and stronger the trampoline should be.
This is what a typical trampoline size v/s age chart size looks like:
Age (y/o = year-old) | Size |
1 y/o | Toddler / Mini Trampoline |
2 y/o | Toddler / Mini Trampoline |
3 y/o | Toddler / Mini Trampoline |
4 y/o | Mini Trampoline / 4.5 ft. Trampoline / 6 ft. Trampoline |
5 y/o | 6 ft. Trampoline – 8 ft. Trampoline |
6 y/o | 6 ft. Trampoline – 10ft Trampoline |
7 y/o | 8 ft. Trampoline – 10ft Trampoline |
8 y/o | 8 ft. Trampoline – 12ft Trampoline |
9 y/o | 10 ft. Trampoline – 14ft Trampoline |
10 y/o | 12 ft. Trampoline – 14ft Trampoline |
11 y/o | 12 ft. Trampoline – 16ft Trampoline |
12 y/o | 12 ft. Trampoline – 16ft Trampoline |
13 y/o | 12 ft. Trampoline + |
14 y/o | 14 ft. Trampoline + |
15 y/o | 14 ft. Trampoline + |
16 y/o | 14 ft. Trampoline + |
What Is the Most Popular Trampoline Size?
Knowing the most often used size of Trampoline can help you make your choices around it.
The most popular trampoline size is the 8 ft. trampoline with enclosure.
It is the most sought-after trampoline size because for two reasons –
- Firstly, it is designed for children around the age of 4 years or slightly more – many parents start to think about trampolines when their children hit 4 years old.
- Secondly, most of the 8 ft. products you will have in the store can support up to 75kg of weight. At such strength, these trampolines can support children between 4 and 12 years old, which happens to be the age group that’s more likely to be excited with the presence of a trampoline at home.
Still, there is a right Trampoline for almost every age group in children, from as young as babies and toddlers right up to preteens, teens, and young adults.
While the average size of trampolines is 12 ft., however, this size is not the most sought-after size out there.
You may choose the average size 12 ft. because it targets the age group of children who have just started to be jumpy enough to need their own trampolines.
What Are the Available Trampoline Sizes?
So, what trampoline sizes are available?
While the 8 ft. variety is the most popular size of trampoline out there, there are many more size options for you to meet all manners of needs.
They range from the simple baby and toddler options all the way up to the most advanced and largest trampolines made for adult sizes trampolines.
5.5 ft. – 6 ft. Category of Trampolines
If you are looking for the perfect trampoline for your young children who like to play in your small garden, this is the best category of the trampoline for you.
Most of them can support 4 – 6 kids without appearing to congest.
8 ft. Category of Trampolines
Perfect for young children (4 – 12 years old) and can be installed both outdoors and in your small gardens.
10ft – 12 ft. Category of Trampolines
This category is perfect for medium-sized spaces or gardens that support a great bounce. The safest model can be used by children in the age brackets of 6 and 16 years.
14 ft. – 16 ft. Category of Trampolines
For this category of trampolines to work for you, you need to install them in a large and flat garden.
They provide an extreme and ‘adult-like’ bounce that you normally see in older kids, between 9 and 16 years old.
Adults too can use this class of trampolines but you need to examine the springs keenly.
Trampolines in this category can support users weighing between 120 kg and 150 kg.
What Size of Trampoline Would Be the Best Gamble?
Now that you know the sizes of products available in the market, it is time to determine which one would be the best choice.
It is totally okay to be mixed up with the many available options to a point of failing to make up your mind.
There are many ways of looking at it, but we’ll take the age route to help you make up your mind:
What Trampoline Size is Great for A 1-year-old?
If you are shopping for a product for one or several 1-year-old users, then you should limit your choices within the toddler trampoline category.
Trampolines in this category come with everything a user aged between 1 and 3 years would want –
- barrier handles/safety nets
- not-so-strong supporting base and frame
- and a smooth or rubbery pad that’s soft to the most delicate feet on the planet.
Make sure that the trampoline leaves a low clearance off the floor.
It just goes unsaid that a toddler trampoline must come with a handle and/or safety and a great deal of plenty of padding.
What Trampoline Is Appropriate for Your 3-year-old Child?
Most 3-year-olds can balance and coordinate way better than 1-year-olds, so you need to set your eyes on mini kids trampolines instead of the smaller and overprotective toddler trampolines.
Mini kids trampoline lasts longer and will keep providing fun as your child gets older.
Still, take your time to go through the manufacturer’s safety guidelines and determine if they will provide maximum safety for your kids.
What trampoline Is Perfect for 4-year-olds?
Choosing the best trampoline for a 4-year-old user can be a bit tricky.
Children at this age partly know what they are doing but can be wild and erratic at times, even to a point of tipping over and endangering their safety in all unexpected ways.
You should be thinking of a trampoline between the mini kids trampoline and the 6 ft. trampoline – anything between the two would come close to a perfect choice.
Options within this range also tend to fit in average spaces that aren’t remarkably sizable or small.
What Trampoline Is Best for A 5-year-old?
A 5-year-old user still needs a trampoline with an enclosure net around it, plus safety padding all over it.
A 6 ft. mini kids trampoline and/or an 8 ft. trampoline would still be a better choice.
The base needs to hold ground more firmly because children start to gain weight around this age.
What Trampoline Is Appropriate for 6-year-olds?
If you are shopping for a product for your 6-year-old, considering 8 ft. trampolines or the 10 ft. options.
Remember that you need plenty of space for either of the two sizes of trampolines.
So, ensure you have enough indoor space or a larger garden to accommodate one such trampoline and leave a sizable clearance around them.
What Trampoline for Your 7-Year-Old?
Children gain confidence and achieve improvement in balance and coordination.
Therefore, depending on your space or garden you should be thinking of a 10 ft. or a 12 ft. trampoline.
It doesn’t need to come with stringent safety measures but it still needs protection to some degree.
You can decide to go for an option that does away with safety nets but the springs need to be stronger.
Again, ensure you read the safety features and implement them accordingly because children at this age will become more explorative.
What Trampoline Is Best for 8-Year-Olds?
An ideal trampoline for anyone around 8 years old should come with tough springs on an equally tough pad. It should also be large enough.
The best size for this age the 10 ft. trampoline and a 14 ft. alternative.
Also, make sure there’s enough space in your garden or wherever you intend to install them.
Because children at this age tend to be highly adventurous, you want them to bounce in a spacious space, free from any objects or obstacles which could cause injuries
What’s the Right Trampoline for Your 9-Year-Old?
There is no big difference between an 8-year-old and a 9-year-old although you might want to go for a larger trampoline for your 9-year-old that what you purchased for them on their 8th birthday.
If you are looking for the best trampoline for your 9-year-old it would be prudent to look no further than 12 ft. Trampoline.
You are free to go up to the most sophisticated and largest trampoline that can fit comfortably in your space or garden.
Note that a 9-year-old would still contend with an 8 ft. trampoline or a 10 ft. trampoline, but not if the users are two.
What Trampoline Is Perfect for A 10-year-old?
Buying a trampoline for your 10-year-old might be the easiest thing you have ever tried.
Because they are very much like other kids in that age bracket, the best size for them would be anything between a 12 ft. trampoline and 14 ft. trampoline.
Any choice in that region will give them plenty of bouncing space when jumping as you want sufficient space between the middle of the trampoline and the springs.
What’s The Best Trampoline for Your 11-year-old?
The older a child gets the more they start asking for the largest trampoline you can fit in your garden or interior space.
The reason for that is, it can keep delivering fun for so many years without you needing to upgrade to a larger trampoline. larger size.
Any 11-Year-Old would contend with you a 12 ft. trampoline or something larger.
A 14 ft. Trampoline, or even 16 ft. trampoline won’t be bad either.
The size of the garden determines everything – if the garden is large enough then why not purchase the largest trampoline you could get.
3. Cost
Now that you are knowledgeable enough to choose the right size of the trampoline for users at a specific age, we want to look at how much you stand to spend on the product. Prices can vary just as widely as trampolines themselves. Fortunately, there is normally always a trampoline for every reasonable budget.
Prices Can Vary Widely
Yes, that’s right, not all trampoline products are made from the same material, in the exact same way, or to the exact specifications.
Also, it is not unusual to find smaller 8 ft. trampolines by some premium brands costing way more than the cheaper 12 ft. Trampoline.
What are the other factors that could affect the cost of a trampoline?
- The extent of testing and the brand’s ‘making safe’ strategy
- The amount of research that brought forth the trampoline
- The kind of materials used to make the frame, enclosure net, and padding
- The brand name of the team behind the trampoline
- Where the product was produced
- The Max weight the trampoline can support
Here is an estimate of prices for each category of trampolines you will find in the store:
Size | Chart |
6 ft. & less Trampoline | $60 – $120 |
8 ft. Trampoline | $100 – $300 |
10 ft. Trampoline | $140 – $400 |
12 ft. Trampoline | $180 – $500 |
14 ft. Trampoline | $250 – $700 |
16 ft. Trampoline | $300 – $1000+ |
Choosing the best trampoline can be as easy as ABC if you bear in mind the age of the user(s), size of the location (where it will be installed), and price brackets.
There are those basic features that every trampoline must have, including rust-proofing properties.